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ministry of defense造句

"ministry of defense"是什么意思  
  • She ' s on attachment to the ministry of defense
  • She ' s on attachment to the ministry of defense
  • The army , navy and airforce are all controlled by the ministry of defense
  • The ministry of defense is asking for a vote of twenty million pounds more this year
  • Now , we checked with the ministry of defense and the executive yuan , nobody is confirming this number
  • The service license is ordered upon the request of the ministry of defense or the ministry of internal affairs
  • The principal government department main includes : the treasury , the house of office , the foreign and commonwealth office , the ministry of defense
  • Mpri provided mentoring to the ministry of defense and federation army in training , logistics , ppbs , information management , and leader development
    Mpri提供指导,以国防部和联邦军队在训练,后勤ppbs ,信息管理以及领导人的发展
  • Mpri led a joint effort with the bulgarian government ( ministry of defense , general staff , and ministry of economics ) to conduct a force modernization study
  • By contrast , the ministry of defense has been positively parsimonious , with just ? 124 , 000 - including expenditure on hardware and support costs - going on its site last year
    相比之下,国防部就显得特小气,只花了124 , 000英镑,包括硬件和去年一年的维护费用。
  • It's difficult to see ministry of defense in a sentence. 用ministry of defense造句挺难的
  • Daiwan ' s ministry of defense is recruiting experts in academia and industry to create a cyber warfare center to defend against cyber attacks from china and other countries
  • By contrast , the ministry of defense has been positively [ color = red ] [ b ] parsimonious [ / b ] [ / color ] , with just ? 124 , 000 - including expenditure on hardware and support costs - going on its site last year
    相比之下,国防部就显得特小气,只花了124 , 000英镑,包括硬件和去年一年的维护费用。
  • Most turn out to be misidentified aircraft , satellites or meteors . a panelist who once worked for britain ' s ministry of defense said 5 percent of incidents cannot be explained
    大部分”不明飞行物“都是人们识别错误的飞机、卫星或流星。一位称就职于英国国防部的小组成员称有5 %的情况无法解释。
  • Dr . baltar was formerly a lead defense systems developer working for the colonial ministry of defense and came to prominence as a computer technology designer , having won three magnate prizes
  • The ministry of internal affairs of russian federation has answered our subsequent inquiry that the given weapon belongs to the federal service of security and to the ministry of defense of russian federation
  • " we have n ' t gotten any news yet , but the ministry of defense and the royal navy have been absolutely fantastic keeping us up to date with every bit of information we ' ve needed , " said summers " mother , tracey watkins
  • The access to materials related to applications as per paragraph 2 is admissible to the ministry of agriculture and food industry under articles 23 , 24 and 25 , and to the ministry of defense and the ministry of internal affairs in accordance with articles 24 and 25
    3国家植物品种委员会按照第23 , 24和25条的规定,以及国防部与内政部按照第24和25条的规定,可获准依前第2项规定查阅申请的相关资料。
  • Mpri assisted the armed forces in the preparation of training systems to train soldiers , leaders , and units required to participate in peace support operations and pfp exercises in order to support the ministry of defense and general staff in their preparation and eventual membership in nato
  • " in line with the government ' s support for sports , culture and the arts , the ministry of defense will consider granting one - time deferments for pre - enlistees who are selected to represent singapore at prestigious international sports and cultural events , " the straits times quoted a spokesman as saying
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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